Location.--Latitude 46°30'13", Longitude
122°35'11", in SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 20, Township 12 North,
Range 2 East, in Lewis County, Hydrologic Unit 17080005, on
right bank at Mayfield Dam on Cowlitz River, 0.3 mile downstream from
Silver Creek, 4.0 miles south of the community of Silver Creek, and at
mile 52.0. Drainage
area is 1,392 mi2. Datum of
gage is NGVD of 1929.
MayfieldGrande Reservoir is a
re-regulating reservoir for Riffe Reservoir. Lake elevation
varies from 415 feet, lower operating limit, and 425 feet, top of
Tainter gates.
This is a non-realtime station. The
data is routinely updated every 4-8 weeks.
This station managed by the Western Washington Field Office (Tacoma).