Location Information
Location.--Latitude 46°01'40", Longitude
118°43'43", in NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Section 6, Township 6 North,
Range 33 East, in Walla Walla County, Hydrologic Unit 17070102, on
left bank 0.8 mile upstream Gardena Creek, 2.8 miles southwest of
Touchet, 3.4 mile downstream from Touchet River, and at river mile
18.2. Drainage
area is 1,657 mi2. Elevation
of gage is 405 feet above NGVD of 1929, from topographic map.
this station on a
map of the basin (PDF).
Additional Data and Information.-- Latest shifted
Flood Stage.--The National Weather Service Flood
Stage for this station is 13.0 feet.
Funding for this site is provided by the
cooperators / programs below: