The 15-minute precipitation data for this station are
temporary and will only be displayed for 120 days. Time
series of 15-minute or cumulative daily values will NOT be
available for retrieval following the 120-day display period.
Although the instrumentation is calibrated at least once/year,
the temporary classification means that documented routine
inspections and other quality assurance measures are not
performed that would make the data acceptable for archival,
retrieval, or future use in general scientific or interpretive
Gage height datum conversion
to the NAVD88 datum for this streamgage was completed on May 3,
2018. All reported gage heights and those associated with
discharge measurements and stage-discharge ratings have been
converted and are consistent with elevations based on the NAVD88
datum. A conversion factor of 198.15 ft was used to convert the
old gage heights to the currently reported instantaneous gage
height, discharge measurement gage heights, and stage-discharge
rating points.