LOCATION.--Lat 46°29'50", long 90°54'15", in NE 1/4 sec.6, T.46 N., R.4 W., Ashland County, Hydrologic Unit 04010302, at downstream end of powerplant of Lake Superior District Power Co., 0.3 mi downstream from bridge on State Highway 112 over dam, and 4.5 mi south of Ashland city limits.
DRAINAGE AREA.--301 square miles.
PERIOD OF RECORD.--May 1948 to current year.
REVISED RECORDS.--WDR WI-82-1: Drainage area. WDR WI-92-1: 1952-53(M), 1960(M), 1967(M), 1972(M), and 1978(M), and 2000 maximum peak flow.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum of gage is 660.71 ft NAVD88 (Lake Superior District Power Co. bench mark). Previous datum 660.11 until March 28, 2018 when orifice was moved. Prior to May 20, 1976, nonrecording gage at same site and datum.
REMARKS.--Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plant at gage.Winter discharges are periodically affected by ice, resulting in backwater and the values shown on the web being slightly high.
Discharge values displayed at this site are often affected by ice in the winter, which leads to increased uncertainty. Click HERE for more info.
Wisconsin Department of Natural
and with funding from the U.S. Geological Survey
Cooperative Matching Funds
Additional Information:
National Weather Service Flood Forecast Page
Boating safety tips |
Min (1989) | 25th percen- tile | Median | 75th percen- tile | Mean | Most Recent Instantaneous Value Mar 11 | Max (2021) |
138 | 180 | 204 | 245 | 265 | 690 | 1450 |