USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 36°33'37", long 85°04'23" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Pickett County, TN, Hydrologic Unit 05130105, 3.8 miles southeast of Birdstown, Tn. 1.5 miles southwest of Asbury Tn., on right bank, roughly 0.25 miles upstream of South Ford Road bridge.
DRAINAGE AREA - 106 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - WSP 1276: 1943. WSP 1910: Drainage area. WDR TN-82: 1944-81(M).
PERIOD OF RECORD - Oct. 1942 to Sep. 1991, Oct. 1991 to Sep. 2005 (crest stage partial record), Oct. 2005 to Sep. 2008 (discontinued), Oct. 2012 to present. Prior to June 1943, only monthly discharges were published (WSP 1306).
Data Collection Platform and shaft encoder. Datum of gage is 707.54 ft (Sandy Hook Datum).
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - Mar. 1929 flood reached an estimated stage of 10.8 ft, with an estimated discharge of 12,400 ft³/s (local resident observation). High water marks found 12.5 miles upstream of gage on June 30, 1928 indicated a stage of 12.3 ft.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, 23,500 ft³/s, September 2, 1982, gage height, 17.14 ft.; minimum discharge 2.0 ft³/s, September 17, 1954, minimum discharge for the period of record result of construction at Mill dam upstream.