USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
08025500 Bayou Toro near Toro, LA
LOCATION - Lat 31°18'25", long 93°30'56" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in SW 1/4 sec.20, T.4 N., R.11 W., Sabine Parish, LA, Hydrologic Unit 12010005, near right bank on downstream side of bridge on state highway 473, 0.2 mi upstream from Hamby Creek, 2.5 mi northeast of Toro, and 7.8 mi west of Hornbeck.
DRAINAGE AREA - 148 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD - October 1955 to September 1986, October 1988 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 138.00 ft above NGVD of 1929 (levels by Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development).
Nonrecording gage at same site and datum read once daily from Dec. 2, 1985 to May 15, 1986 and twice daily May 16, 1986 to Sept. 30, 1986. Prior to
Dec. 2, 1985 at site 500 ft downstream at same datum.