USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 44°56'40.0", long 93°05'17.2" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, in NW 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.13, T.28 N., R.22 W., Ramsey County, MN, Hydrologic Unit 07010206, on left bank in St. Paul, at the Robert St. Bridge, 4.8 mi downstream from Minnesota River, and at mile 839.2 upstream from the Ohio River.
DRAINAGE AREA - 36,800 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - WSP 285: 1892-96. WSP 715: Drainage area. WSP 875: 1938. WSP 895: 1939. WSP 1308: 1867(M). WSP 1508: 1897, 1898(M). 1903(M), 1917-18(M). 1928(M), 1929. WRD MN-74: 1973. Unpublished, 2009: 1965(M), 1969(M), 1997(M), 2001(M).
PERIOD OF RECORD - March 1892 to current year (prior to 1901, fragmentary during some winters). Records prior to March 1892, published in the 19th Annual Report, Part 4, have been found to be unreliable and should not be used. Monthly discharge only for some periods, published in WSP 1308. Gage-height records (winter records incomplete) collected at same site since 1866 are contained in reports of U.S. Weather Bureau, War Department and Mississippi River Commission.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 683.77 ft above sea level, (NAVD of 1988). Prior to Jan. 1, 2014 datum of gage was 683.62 ft above sea level (NGVD of 1929). Prior to Mar. 18, 1925, non-recording gage at several sites within 300 ft of each other and in vicinity of present site. Mar. 19, 1925 to June 24, 1999, recording gage in vicinity of present site.
Auxiliary water-stage recorder 5.6 mi downstream from September 1938 to July 1995.
Stages are referenced to 1988 datum. Prior to Jan. 1, 2014 stages were references to 1929 datum.
COOPERATION - Records of discharge from the Metro Plant wastewater treatment plant were provided by the Metropolitan Council -Environmental Services. Records of water withdrawals used in routing computations were provided by the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul water utilities.