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! This page is undergoing modernization and will be decommissioned on February 2025. Daily data are now available in WDFN.
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LOCATION--Lat 42° 14'10", long 72° 16'23", Hampshire County, Hydrologic Unit 01080204, on right bank 0.5 mi upstream from Gibbs Crossing, 1.8 mi upstream from Beaver Brook, 2.5 mi southwest of Ware, and 8.8 mi upstream from mouth.
PERIOD OF RECORD--Discharge: August 1912 to current year.
Water-quality records: Water years 1953–54.
REVISED RECORDS--WSP 1031: 1944. WSP 1301: 1914(M). WDR MA-RI-84-1: drainage area.
GAGE--Data Collection Platform with satellite telemeter. Datum of gage is 379.15 ft above NAVD 1988. Prior to May 8, 2020, datum reported as 379.79 ft above NGVD 1929. Prior to Mar. 1, 1930, at site 0.5 mi downstream at different datum.
REMARKS--Diversion at times: Since March 1931 from 96.3 mi2 for supply of Boston metropolitan district and since 1955 from 6.5 mi2 for municipal supply of Fitchburg. Flow regulated by mills upstream and by Barre Falls Reservoir (see station 01172500) since 1958.
COOPERATION BY--Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Office of Water Resources.

ICE EFFECTS ON STREAMFLOW During winter, ice formation in streams can cause stage and corresponding discharge values to appear higher than expected during periods of no precipitation. Ice effects from partial ice cover or shore ice may be minor, where stage and discharge appear to increase at night and decrease to base-line conditions around midday for one or more days. Major ice effects from complete ice cover appear as constantly increasing stage and discharge over several days during prolonged cold periods. Stage and discharge values for streams experiencing minor ice effects will continue to be displayed on the web to enable the user to estimate the approximate base-line discharges. Note that this method of estimation should only be used when no runoff occurs. During periods of major ice effects, display of discharge data on the web will be temporarily discontinued to prevent misuse of erroneous discharge data. The discharge record will resume when it is determined that ice conditions are no longer present. Display of stage data during periods of minor and major ice effects will continue to be displayed on the web. Daily mean discharges will be estimated for all periods of ice-effected discharges.

Boating safety tips
This station managed by the Northborough MA Field Office.

Available Parameters Period of Record
1912-08-20  2025-03-12


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Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement

Discharge, cubic feet per second

Graph of DAILY Discharge, cubic feet per second

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