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Centennial Streamgage - Celebrating Over 100 years of Streamflow Records

USGS Visual Identifier

Operated with funding from the USGS Federal Priority Streamgage Program .

Links to additional gage information:

  • National Weather Service Logo National Weather S ervice Forecast Page

  • USGS Flood Inundation Map for site

  • USGS WaterWatch's "Site Dashboard" provides seasonal and other context-oriented information about current and historical streamflow.
  • Recent Webcam Images:

    Webcam images will help USGS staff know when backwater from ice or other factors may affect discharge. Click on the static or time-lapse images below to download or view larger versions from the Storm Summary Time Lapse web page.

    Most recent photo

    Time-lapse videos are considered proof of concept with no guarantee of up time. Videos c an be viewed using Chrome, Firefox or Opera browser applications on smartphone, tablet, and computer devic es. Additional browser support for Safari and Internet Explorer may be added later.

    Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not i mply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

  • Stage record during the period the gage was located at Smith Avenue, Oct. 23, 2013 - Jan. 29, 2015, is not directly comparable to current and previous periods of stage record from Robert Street due to changes in the water slope, depending on the streamflow rate. Fall ranges from nominal (+/- 0.1 ft) at lower stages to more than 1.0 ft at higher stages.

This station managed by the Mounds View Field Office.

Available Parameters Period of Record
1956-10-01  1990-12-19
1892-03-01  2025-03-01


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Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement

Discharge, cubic feet per second

Graph of DAILY Discharge, cubic feet per second

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