Location.--Latitude 46°03'38", Longitude
121°59'00", Township 7 North, Range 7 East, in Skamania
County, Hydrologic
Unit 17080002, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, on right bank 1.0
mile upstream from Pepper Creek, 1.9 miles upstream from Muddy River,
15.4 miles east of Cougar, and at river mile
62.0. Drainage
area is 227 mi2. Elevation/Datum
of gage is 1,080 feet (from river-profile map).
this station on a map.
Additional Data and Information.--
Latest shifted rating.
Flood Stage.--The National Weather Service has not
established a Flood
Stage for this station.
Funding for this site is provided by the
cooperators / programs below:
Boating safety tips