LOCATION.--Lat 43°04'18.4", long
77°17'49.1" referenced to North American Datum of
1983, Wayne County, NY, Hydrologic Unit 04140201, on left bank
in Macedon, 500 ft downstream from headgate in old Erie Canal,
700 ft downstream from bridge on State Highway 350, 0.2 mi
downstream from Lock 30, and 2.6 mi upstream from Ganargua
PERIOD OF RECORD.--November 1919 to December 1920,
October 1950 to September 1977, October 1977 to September 2018
(navigation seasons only), October 2018 to current year.
Records since October 2018 equivalent to earlier records if
diversions to Erie (Barge) Canal at Lock 30 (station 04218999)
is added to flow past station. Prior to October 1956,
published as "Barge Canal at Lock 30, Macedon."
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 447.58 ft
above NGVD of 1929 and 447.00 ft above NAVD of 1988. Nov. 1,
1919 to Dec. 28, 1920, nonrecording gage at same site at
different datum.
COOPERATION.--Records of gate openings
and diversions to Erie (Barge) Canal at Lock 30
(station 04218999) provided by New York State Canal
REMARKS.--This record represents net diversion from
Niagara and Genesee River basins into Oswego River basin
through Erie (Barge) Canal. Prior to October 2018, discharge
during the non-navigation period, included leakage through
guard gates, runoff from small areas tributary to canal
upstream from station, or diversion for use downstream in the
Canal system. Since October 2018, flow at this station does not
include flow diverted at the Erie (Barge) Canal through Lock 30
(station 04218999). Total flow of Erie (Barge) Canal at Macedon
includes flow through bypass channel at Lock 30 (station
04219000) plus diversions to Erie (Barge) Canal at Lock 30
(station 04218999). Prior to October 2018, records published as
total flow.
Water Year 2015: Records poor. Water Years 2014, 2016-17:
Records fair. Water Years 2018-19: Records fair except those
for estimated daily discharges, which are poor. Water Years
2020-24: Records fair except those for estimated daily
discharges and discharges below 2 ft³/s, which are poor.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Combined flow maximum
daily discharge, 874 ft³/s, Dec. 3, 1969, combined flow maximum
instantaneous discharge not determined; combined flow minimum
discharge not determined. Bypass channel only, since October
2018, maximum discharge, 369 ft³/s, July 7, 2019, gage height,
2.69 ft; minimum discharge not determined.