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USGS 08014800 Bundick Creek near DeRidder, LA


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Precipitation data for this station are temporary and will only be available for 120 days. (more information)
National Weather Service forecast for this station
National Weather Service forecast for Bundick Creek at Bundick Lake (approx. 12 miles downstream of this station)

National Weather Service forecast for this Basin
> WaterNow – get the latest gage data from your mobile phone or email.
> Rating Information
This station managed by the Ruston Field Office.

Available Parameters Period of Record
1956-03-01  2025-02-15
1973-10-01  2025-02-15


  -- or --



Summary of all available data for this site
Instantaneous-data availability statement

Discharge, cubic feet per second

Graph of DAILY Discharge, cubic feet per second

Add up to 2 more sites and replot for "Discharge, cubic feet per second"


Create presentation-quality graph.  

Gage height, feet

Graph of DAILY Gage height, feet

Add up to 2 more sites and replot for "Gage height, feet"


Create presentation-quality graph.