LOCATION.--Lat 42°15'08.6", long
74°54'03.8" referenced to North American Datum of
1983, Delaware County, NY, Hydrologic Unit 02040101, on left
bank 10 ft downstream from bridge on Thomson Cross Road, 0.7 mi
downstream from Toll Gate Brook, 1.5 mi upstream from mouth,
and 2.0 mi south of Delhi.
DRAINAGE AREA.--49.8 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1937 to September 1970,
annual maximum only--1971-74, 1996, maximum only--October to
December 1996, January 1997 to current year.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder and crest-stage gage. Datum
of gage is 1,385.35 ft above NGVD of 1929 and 1,384.77 ft above
NAVD of 1988. Since January 1997, gage-height record collected
at upstream side of bridge, but gage house still downstream
from bridge. Prior to Dec. 7, 1939, nonrecording gages at
several temporary sites within a quarter of a mile of present
site at various datums.
REMARKS.--Water Years 2014-23: Records fair except those
for estimated daily discharges, which are poor.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, about
6,100 ft³/s, Jan. 19, 1996, gage height, 8.51 ft, from
floodmark, from rating curve extended above 2,200 ft³/s;
maximum gage height since January 1997, 8.55 ft, Jan. 1, 2001
(ice jam); minimum discharge, 0.8 ft³/s, Aug. 10, 11, 12, Sept.
24, 25, 1964; minimum gage height, 1.29 ft, Sept. 24, 25,