LOCATION.--Lat 42°44'00", long
77°54'40" referenced to North American Datum of 1927,
Livingston County, NY, Hydrologic Unit 04130002, at Mount
Morris Dam on Genesee River, 2.0 mi northwest of Mount Morris,
5.0 mi upstream from Canaseraga Creek, and 69.3 mi upstream
from mouth.
DRAINAGE AREA.--1,080 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD.--January 1952 to current year. Prior
to October 1970, published as "Mount Morris Reservoir near
Mount Morris."
REVISIONS HISTORY.--WSP 1437: 1955. WDR NY-82-3:
Drainage area.
GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is NGVD of
1929 (Levels by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). To convert
elevations to NAVD of 1988, subtract 0.55 ft. Prior to Apr. 8,
1952, nonrecording gage at same site and datum.
COOPERATION.--Capacity table provided by U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, 1953.
REMARKS.--Lake is formed by a concrete gravity-type dam
with overflow spillway, completed by U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers in 1951 for flood control; first used for flood
regulation on Nov. 24, 1951. Usable capacity, 336,800 acre-ft
between elevation 585.0 ft, sill of conduits, and 760.0 ft,
crest of spillway. Dead storage, 609 acre-ft. Figures given
herein represent total contents. Discharge is controlled by the
operation of nine gates. Water is stored during high flows and
released when downstream conditions warrant.
Capacity table (elevation, in feet, and total contents, in acre-feet)
Furnished by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1955.
Elevation Contents Elevation Contents Elevation Contents
582.0 175 605.0 8,250 680.0 119,800
585.0 609 610.0 11,600 700.0 166,300
588.0 1,210 620.0 19,800 730.0 245,200
590.0 1,730 630.0 30,500 750.0 305,100
595.0 3,410 640.0 43,700 760.0 337,400
600.0 5,610 660.0 78,200 766.0 357,400
755.46 ft, June 25, 1972, contents, 322,600 acre-ft; minimum
recordable elevation, 584.20 ft, Aug. 24-30, 1991, but was
lower during this period due to dredging operations, contents,
about 470 acre-ft.