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LOCATION--Lat 42° 04’58", long 72°
03’27", Worcester County, Hydrologic Unit 01100001, on right
bank 200 ft downstream from Westville Dam, 1.0 mi upstream from
McKinstry Brook, and 1.3 mi west of Southbridge.
DRAINAGE AREA--94.4 mi2.
PERIOD OF RECORD-- October 1962 to current year (data
publication discontinued from October 1, 1990 to September 30,
REVISED RECORDS--WDR MA-RI-75-1: 1963-64 (monthly runoff). WDR
MA-RI-84-1: drainage area.
GAGE--Data Collection Platform with satellite telemeter. Datum
of gage is 510.64 ft above NAVD 1988, from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
benchmark. Prior to May 8, 2020, datum reported as 511.33 ft above NGVD
1929, from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers benchmark.
REMARKS-- Flow regulated by mills, by East Brimfield and
Westville Lakes, and by other reservoirs upstream.
COOPERATION BY--U.S. Army Corps of
Boating safety tips |
Min (2008) | 25th percen- tile | Most Recent Instantaneous Value Dec 19 | Median | Mean | 75th percen- tile | Max (2004) |
47.0 | 82 | 142 | 174 | 243 | 315 | 1210 |