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Water-Year Summary for Site 01545600
This site was part of a 15-station national network of USGS Hydrologic Benchmark stations designed to track water-quality trends at a range of hydrologic conditions.
As of October 2013, results from discrete water quality samples collected at this site are available through the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System web interface on the "Water Quality for the Nation" webpage. Analysis for pH, water temperature, specific conductance, and dissolved oxygen were performed on site. Monthly samples were analyzed at the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Laboratory in Harrisburg, PA. All other samples were analyzed at the U.S. Geological Survey Laboratory in Denver, CO. Occasionally, values for filtered parameters may exceed values for the corresponding unfiltered parameter. These results are within the limits of analytical precision and methods. Cross-sectional water temperature data is available upon request. Historically water temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius were not reported. Water temperature sensors now have the ability to accurately read water temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius. Subsequent to water year 2015, water temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius are reported.