USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 46°32'26", long 93°42'26" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in SW 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.24, T.47 N., R.27 W., Aitkin County, MN, Hydrologic Unit 07010104, on right bank upstream side of highway bridge at north edge of Aitkin, 1 mi downstream from Ripple River and at mile 1,055.9 upstream from Ohio River. Diversion Gage: Lat 46°35'30", long 93°41'13", in NW1/4NW1/4 sec.6, T.47N., R.26W., Aitkin County, Hydrologic Unit 07010104, on upstream side of bridge 1.2 miles downstream from entrance control structure, 1 mile upstream from Little Willow River and 3.8 miles north of Aitkin.
DRAINAGE AREA - 6,140 mi².
REVISIONS HISTORY - Unpublished, 2009: 1924(M).
PERIOD OF RECORD - March 1945 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 1183.02 ft. NAVD88. Previous datum is 1,182.41 ft above sea level (NGVD of 1929, levels by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). Mar. 1, 1945 to Mar. 14, 1961, non-recording gage, and Mar. 15, 1961 to Sept. 30, 1967, water-stage recorder at same site at datum 3.0 ft higher.
Diversion channel: Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 1182.71 ft. NAVD88. Previous datum is 1,182.02 ft above sea level (NGVD of 1929). Apr. 9, 1955 to Apr. 10, 1956, non-recording gage at site 4 mi downstream at different datum. Apr. 11, 1956 to Sept. 30, 1967, non-recording gage at same site at datum 3.0 ft higher.
COOPERATION - Primary streamgage is funded as part of the USGS Federal Priority Streamgage network (formerly NSIP).
Funding for diversion gage provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St Paul District.
Contact: Liz Nelsen, Chief of Water Management and Hydrology Section, 651-290-5306.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - For Main and Diversion combined flows; maximum discharge, 20,000 ft³/s, gage-height 22.49 ft. (present datum), May 20, 1950; maximum daily-mean discharge, 19,900 ft³/s, May 20, 1950; minimum discharge, 151 ft³/s, Sept. 1, 1961.