USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 49°00'05.58", long 109°25'20.98" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, UNSPECIFIED, Hydrologic Unit is unknown, third meridian, Hydrologic Unit 10050008, on left bank 600 ft north of international boundary, in Saskatchewan, 8 mi upstream from Woodpile Coulee, 30 mi north of Chinook, MT, and at mile 69.8.
DRAINAGE AREA - 997 mi² of which 158 mi² probably is noncontributing. of which 378 mi² probably is noncontributing.
REVISIONS HISTORY - WSP 1389: 1935, maximum discharge (M); 1936; 1937-38 (M). WSP 1729: 1924, 1926, 1932 (monthly discharge only). Water Data Report 1983: Drainage area.
PERIOD OF RECORD - April 1917 to current water year (seasonal records only most seasons). Monthly discharge only for March 1918 and March 1928, Published in Water Supply Paper (WSP) 1309.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Elevation of gage is 2,729.8 ft, referenced to the International Boundary Commission Survey Datum.
COOPERATION - This is one of a number of stations which are maintained jointly by Canada and the United States.