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Water-Year Summary for Site 06307740
10-01-2015 to 11-08-2016: records are good, except estimated records are poor. 10-01-2014 to 09-30-2015: records are good, except estimated records are poor. 10-01-2013 to 09-30-2014: records are fair, except estimated records are poor. Diversions for irrigation upstream from the station.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: November 1980 to August 1985 (observer daily samples), May 2004 to October 2008, March 2013 to September 2015 (seasonal records, continuous monitor), October 2015 to October 2016 (discontinued).
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE 11-19-2015 to 11-08-2016: records are excellent except records from Jan. 2 to Feb. 21, Feb. 27 to Mar. 5, Apr. 3-26, May 4-22, May 30 to June 8, Aug. 6-16, 21-24, Sept. 30 to Oct. 8, and Oct. 22 to Nov. 2 are good; records from Mar. 6-14, May 23-25, June 9-16, July 8-14, and Nov. 4-8 are fair; and records from June 17-23 and July 15-26 are poor. 03-25-2015 to 11-18-2015 (seasonal period): records are excellent, except records from Apr. 3-24, Apr. 27 to May 3, May 11-21, June 22-26, July 22 to Aug. 7, Aug. 28 to Sept. 15, Sept. 25 to Oct 11, and Oct. 30 to Nov. 11 are good; records from May 4-7, 22-27, June 5, 16-21, 27, 28, Aug. 8-19, Sept. 16, 17, Oct. 12, 13, and Nov. 12-28 are fair; and records from June 29 to July 15 are poor. 03-19-2014 to 10-31-2014 (seasonal period): records ranged from excellent to poor.
SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE: Maximum daily, 3,950 microsiemens per centimeter (uS/cm) at 25.0°C, Apr. 4, 2014; minimum daily , 922 uS/cm at 25.0°C, May 20, 2013.