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Water-Year Summary for Site 06354000
Water-stage recorder.
A station was maintained near Timmer, ND (Sta ID: 06353500) prior to Nov. 30, 1934, and was operated until the establishment of the Cannonball River at Breien, ND station; discharge at these two stations were found to be comparable. Prior to the Timmer, ND. site, a gage was established in 1903 about 1 mile upstream near Stevenson, ND. Data for Timmer and Stevenson gage locations are under station number 06353500 with daily discharge and peak flow data available from 1903-08, 1911-18, 1921-22, 1923-24, and 1928-34.
The peak flows published from 1906-1934 for the Cannonball River near Timmer, ND were used to transfer the corresponding peak flow to Cannonball River at Breien based on a drainage area conversion done in the 1950s. Equation is Q=(DA1/DA2)^C, where Q is calculated Cannonball River at Breien's discharge, DA1 is Breien drainage area, DA2 is Timmer drainage area, and the coefficient (C) used was 0.50. The Timmer peaks from 1903-1905 were not included in the transfer due to the inability of accurately determining the momentary peaks from these years.
Peaks from 1906, 1908, 1913, and 1934 are based on unpublished momentary peaks from Timmer. The peaks from these years were not revised due to the uncertainty of the momentary peaks.
Datum of the gage is 1,675.02 feet above North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) and 1,673.54 feet above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29).
For a detailed gage datum history, please use the blue ‘questions or comments’ tab on the bottom of the site’s monitoring location page.