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Water-Year Summary for Site 07229445
10/01/2023 - 09/30/2024 Records rated fair.
Reservoir is formed by a compacted earth dam constructed in 1962, 111 ft above streambed. Outlet works: circular intake tower with 5.5 ft sides and 3 ft by 5 ft intake gates with inverts at elevations 1,118.5 ft, 1,133.5 ft, 1,163.5 ft, and 1,178.5 ft. Two 60 inch pipes convey water through a 10.5 ft by 17 ft horseshoe conduit and open ditch to the treatment plant or lower level pump station. Top of Dam 1,201.00 ft, 148,000 acre-ft; maximum pool 1,196.4 ft, 134,000 acre-ft; normal pool 1,191.00 ft, 114,000 acre-ft. Datum of gage is NGVD of 1929.
Quality of data for other periods can be obtained by contacting the Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center.