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Water-Year Summary for Site 08034000

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Available Parameters
62614 Elevation, lake/res, NGVD29(Max.,Min.,Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
08034000 Lake Tyler near Whitehouse, TX
LOCATION - Lat 32°14'30", long 95°10'33" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Smith County, TX, Hydrologic Unit 12020004, at City of Tyler pumphouse, 2.0 mi north of Whitehouse Dam on Prairie Creek, 3.0 mi northwest of Mud Creek, and 3.2 mi northeast of Whitehouse.
DRAINAGE AREA - 107 mi². Prior to May 29, 1968, 45.3 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD - Mar. 1949 to Sept. 1986, Apr. 1999 to Sept. 2002 (contents), Oct. 2002 to current year. PERIOD OF RECORD, Water-Quality.-- CHEMICAL DATA: Oct. 1962 to Aug. 1984. BIOCHEMICAL DATA: Oct. 1962 to Sept. 1963. RADIOCHEMICAL DATA: Feb. 1981.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 0 ft above NGVD of 1929 and 0.31 ft below NAVD of 1988. To obtain elevations in NAVD 1988, add 0.31 ft. Prior to May 3, 1949, nonrecording gage at dam. May 3, 1949, to July 11, 1951, nonrecording gage at pumphouse. July 12, 1951, to Feb. 1, 1968, water-stage recorder at intake tower in lake 660 ft south of pumphouse. All gages at same datum. Satellite telemeter at station.
REMARKS - Some records listed in the "Period of Record" for surface water and water quality may not be available electronically. Originally Lake Tyler was formed by Whitehouse Dam. Deliberate impoundment began Jan. 8, 1949, and the dam was completed May 13, 1949. The construction of Mud Creek Dam began Feb. 11, 1966, and deliberate impoundment began Nov. 22, 1966; final completion of dam was in Jan. 1967. Whitehouse Dam is a rolled earthfill dam with an uncontrolled concrete spillway 200 ft wide near left end of dam. Mud Creek Dam is a rolled earthfill dam with an uncontrolled concrete spillway 300 ft wide near center of dam. On May 29, 1968, the lakes were joined through an interconnecting canal. An 18-inch conduit through the embankment of Mud Creek Dam serves as a low-flow outlet. Water is used for municipal supply for the cities of Tyler, Troup, and Whitehouse. The dam is owned and operated by the City of Tyler. Data regarding the dam are given in the following table:
                                                                                  Elevation (feet)
Top of dam............................................................          390.0 
Design flood..........................................................          386.0
Crest of spillway.....................................................          375.4
Bottom of interconnecting canal between lakes.........................          355.0
Lowest gated outlet (invert at Mud Creek Dam).........................          350.0
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum contents, 87,340 acre-ft, Feb. 3, 1975, elevation, 376.71 ft; maximum elevation, 378.30 ft, Apr. 24, 1966, prior to adjoining of lakes; minimum contents since joining of lakes, 53,100 acre-ft, Nov. 1, 2000, elevation, 369.00 ft; minimum elevation, 367.02 ft, Dec. 9,10, 2006.