USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
11255575 Panoche Creek at Interstate 5, near Silver Creek, CA
LOCATION - Lat 36°39'09", long 120°37'52" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in NE 1/4 SW 1/4 sec.02, T.15 S., R.12 E., Fresno County, CA, Hydrologic Unit 18040014, on left bank, at downstream side of Interstate Highway 5 bridge over Panoche Creek, 7.3 mi southwest of Silver Creek Township, and 11.8 mi east of Panoche.
DRAINAGE AREA - 305 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD - December 1997 to current year (seasonal records only, Dec. 1 to June 30). Peak discharges determined for entire year.
CHEMICAL DATA: Water years 1998-2006, 2008 (seasonal records only).
SEDIMENT DATA: Water years 1998-2008 (seasonal records only).
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 442.95 ft above NAVD of 1988.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum discharge, 9,940 ft³/s, Feb. 3, 1998, gage height, 13.46 ft, from rating curve extended above 1,500 ft³/s, on the basis of slope-area measurement of peak flow; no flow for many days each year.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Water year 1998 to June 2008 (discontinued).
CHEMICAL DATA: Water years 1998 to 2006, February 2008 (seasonal records only) (discontinued).
SEDIMENT DATA: Water year 1998 to June 2008 (seasonal records only) (discontinued).