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Water-Year Summary for Site 15348000

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  • Water-Year Summary reports summarize a year of hydrologic data in a printer-friendly format.
  • For water years 2014 onward, choose a water year and parameter and an on-demand Water-Year Summary report will be generated.
  • For water years 2006 through 2013, choose a water year and an Annual Water Data Report will be provided.
  • For water years 2005 and earlier, Annual Water Data Reports may be available in digital format.
  • Not all sites have reports available for every water year.
Available Parameters
00010 Temperature, water(Max.,Min.,Mean)  
00060 Discharge(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 64°18'33", long 141°24'08" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in SW 1/4 SW 1/4 NE 1/4 sec.16, T.7 S., R.32 E., Southeast Fairbanks Division, AK, Hydrologic Unit 19070502, (Eagle B-1 quad), on left bank, 300 feet downstream from bridge at mile 112.9 of Taylor Highway, 0.3 miles downstream from the mouth of O'Brien Creek, and 4.4 miles northwest of old townsite of Steele Creek, Alaska (Eagle B-1 quad).
DRAINAGE AREA - 5,850 mi². approximately.
PERIOD OF RECORD - July 1910 to October 1912, published as "at Steele Creek" (no winter records), October 1975 to September 1982, October 2005 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 1143.14 ft NAVD88. Prior to October 16, 1912 at site 6.8 mi downstream at different datum.
REMARKS - GOES satellite telemetry at station.
EXTREMES OUTSIDE PERIOD OF RECORD - Flood in June 1964 reached a stage of 34.5 ft from floodmarks, at previous Taylor Highway bridge and at different datum; discharge, 84,000 ft³s, from rating curve extended above 43,000 ft³s.
PERIOD OF RECORD - WATER TEMPERATURE: August 12, 2014 to September 28, 2018 (seasonal).
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - WATER TEMPERATURE: Maximum, 20.2°C August 8, 2017; minimum, 0.0°C May 30, 2017. Water temperature goes to 0.0°C on many days over winter, but water temperature sensor only operated seasonally.