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Water-Year Summary for Site 364358120314906
Water years 1961 to current year.
Electronic data logger and pressure sensor; potentiometer and dial gage.
Record is rated excellent. Sudden water-level changes may be attributed to nearby anthropogenic effects such as pumping and sampling or natural events such as earthquakes. The effects of friction in the extensometer apparatus, likely caused by contact between the extensometer cable and the casing, are evident throughout the record by periods of little change which are terminated by small vertical offsets, which resulted in a frictional deadband in the record. The friction was largely overcome by manually oscillating the cable during field visits, which involved applying force to the cable to free it from the friction. Therefore, the magnitude of compaction that occurred during periods of friction was recorded when the friction was overcome; however, the time delay between actual compaction and recording of the compaction during these periods is unknown.
Site consists of 1 continuous record groundwater well and 1 subsidence monitoring site, located in a building.
April 2012 to current year.
Highest daily maximum water level recorded, 269.21 ft depth to water below land surface, Apr 5, 2012; lowest daily minimum water level recorded, 508.80 ft depth to water below land surface, Feb. 13, 1968.