USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
412743081381401 CU-30
Other aquifers
Lake Deposits
LOCATION - Lat 41°27'43.34", long 81°38'13.92" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Cuyahoga County, OH, Hydrologic Unit 04110002,
WELL CHARACTERISTICS - Depth 20.47 ft. Upper casing diameter 2 in; top of first opening 10 ft, bottom of last opening 19.7 ft.
DATUM - Land-surface datum is 708.43 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. Measuring point: MP=TOC; MP Height is based on the top of the flush mount protective casing, 0.3 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 28, 2013 to present.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Hourly water level data September 5, 2013 to present.
GAGE - Non-vented pressure transducer logging at 60-minute interval. Water level data post processed and corrected for barometric pressure changes.
COOPERATION - This well is operated in cooperation with USEPA-ORD as part of an urban renewal / green infrastructure monitoring project.
Maximum daily low, 12.35 ft below land-surface datum, December 19, 2015;
minimum daily low, 10.82 ft below land-surface datum, June 21, 2019.
A Maximum daily low, 19.47 ft below land-surface datum was recorded on October 28, 2014. This low was the result of the well being pumped during development work and is not due to water level fluctuations at this site.