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Water-Year Summary for Site 441624088045601

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Available Parameters
00045 Precipitation(Sum)  
00060 Discharge(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 44°16'24.1", long 88°04'55.8" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, in SE 1/4 SW 1/4 sec.2, T.21 N., R.20 E., Brown County, WI, Hydrologic Unit 04030204, 1/4 mi north of Hill Rd., directly across from intersection of Hill Rd and Hart Rd, 3 miles south of Greenleaf, WI.
DRAINAGE AREA - 0.01 mi².
PERIOD OF RECORD - December 2011 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder. Water levels are controlled by 2.5 ft H flume. Elevation of gage is 900 ft above NAVD88, from topographic map
REMARKS - Records are good, except for estimated days which are poor. Note that discharge is the daily sum, in cubic feet.
PERIOD OF RECORD - December 2011 to current year.
INSTRUMENTATION - Tipping bucket rain gage with electronic datalogger.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum daily rainfall, 2.91in., May 3, 2012.
REMARKS - WY12 Raingage start date March 6, 2012. There was no snowmelt tips observed in Water Year 2012 at this site with comparisons to East River @ County Rd ZZ and NOAA station GREEN BAY AUSTIN STRAUBEL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, WI US. Calibrations were made on 03/07/12 and 07/24/12. A Nova-Lynx rain gage calibrator (946 ml) with the smallest nozzle size was used to determine accuracy of the rain gage. Calibration takes approximately 40 minutes, with an expected rainfall amount of 1.14”, for an average rate of 1.7” per hour. The 03/07/12 calibration yielded 1.13” (<1% low), so no data corrections were made. The 07/24/2012 calibration yielded 1.14” (perfect) All calibrations were removed from the precipitation record. WY13 Calibrations were made on 03/28/13 and 07/11/2013. A Nova-Lynx rain gage calibrator (946 ml) with the smallest nozzle size was used to determine accuracy of the rain gage. Calibration takes approximately 40 minutes, with an expected rainfall amount of 1.14”, for an average rate of 1.7” per hour. The 03/28/13 calibration yielded 1.15” (<1% high) and 07/11/2013 calibration yielded 1.18” (4% high), so no data corrections were made. All calibrations were removed from the precipitation record. Snowfall/ice that melts in the funnel is interpreted as snowmelt and is removed from the record and shown as estimated days. Those days interpreted as snowmelt include Dec 11, 12, 13, 21, Jan 8, 9, 18, Feb 25, 27, Mar 4, 15, and 16. WY14 Calibrations were made on 07/24/2014. A Nova-Lynx rain gage calibrator (946 ml) with the smallest nozzle size was used to determine accuracy of the rain gage. Calibration takes approximately 40 minutes, with an expected rainfall amount of 1.14”, for an average rate of 1.7” per hour. The 07/24/2014 calibration yielded 1.209” (6% high), so no data corrections were made. All calibrations were removed from the precipitation record. Snowfall/ice that melts in the funnel is interpreted as snowmelt and is removed from the record and shown as estimated days. Those days interpreted as snowmelt include Dec 17, Jan 11, 15, Feb 18, Mar 19, 28, and Apr 3. Rainfall on Feb 20 was a combination of rainfall and snowmelt. WY15 Calibrations were made on 07/24/2014 and 10/01/2015. A Nova-Lynx rain gage calibrator (946 ml) with the smallest nozzle size was used to determine accuracy of the rain gage. Calibration takes approximately 40 minutes, with an expected rainfall amount of 1.14”, for an average rate of 1.7” per hour. The 7/24/2014 calibration yielded 1.209” (6% high) and the 10/01/15 calibration yielded 1.158” (2% high). No corrections were made to the data. All calibrations were removed from the precipitation record. Days interpreted as snowmelt and estimated to be 0.00”, are Nov 29, Dec 12-14, 31, Jan 15, 28-29, and Feb 21. Due to a malfunctioning rain gage, data between the dates of July 16-21 was missed. Daily values for the missed days were estimated using data from the GLRI Waterway 3 and Plum Creek sites.
PERIOD OF RECORD - December 2011 to current year.
PERIOD OF DAILY RECORD - Suspended Sediment Discharge(tons/day): December 2011 to current year. Chloride Discharge (tons/day): December 2011 to current year. Nitrate + Nitrite Discharge (lbs/day): December 2011 to current year. Ammonium Discharge (lbs/day): December 2011 to current year. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Discharge (lbs/day): December 2011 to current year. Orthophosphorus Discharge (lbs/day): December 2011 to current year. Total Phosphorus Discharge (lbs/day): December 2011 to current year.
INSTRUMENTATION - Water-quality sampler since December 2011.
REMARKS - Chemical analyses by the Water and Environmental Analysis Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Samples with end dates/times are flow-composite samples collected by an automatic point sampler which represent the event-mean concentration for the specified runoff period. Samples with only start dates/times are discrete samples collected by the same sampler. The sample runoff volume is the total flow that occurs between the start and end time of each flow-composite sample. In most cases, the sample runoff volume is slightly less than the total storm runoff volume. Some runoff events were not sampled. An approximate storm load (in pounds) can be computed by multiplying the sample runoff volume (in cubic feet) by the constituent concentration (in mg/L) and a factor of 6.2428x10^-5.