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Water-Year Summary for Site 473429095050703

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Available Parameters
00010 Temperature, water(Mean)  
62611 Elevation, GW, NAVD88(Mean)  
72019 Water level, depth LSD(Mean)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
473429095050703 501C 147N35W02DCAB 03
Sand and gravel aquifers (glaciated regions)
Glacial Surficial Sand and/or Gravel
LOCATION - Lat 47°34'28.26", long 95°05'07.74" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, in NE 1/4 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 sec.02, T.147 N., R.35 W., Beltrami County, MN, Hydrologic Unit 07010101, The well is located approximately 11 miles NW of Bemidji, MN and 2.4 miles SE of Pinewood, MN. 
WELL CHARACTERISTICS - Depth 18.97 ft. Upper casing diameter 2.04 in; top of first opening 13.5 ft, bottom of last opening 16 ft. Well 501C is a groundwater observation well that was drilled on 28 Feb. 1985 with a 7.25-inch-diameter, with an unknown drill rig to a unknown borehole depth. The well is constructed of a 2.5-feet-long, 2.04-inch-diameter, schedule-40, galvanized steel, 0.010-inch slotted, well screen, attached with to length/s of 2.04-inch-diameter, schedule-40 galvanized steel well casing. The original well casing measuring point (stickup) was 5.67 feet (1392.50 ft. NAVD88, +/- 0.01 ft.) above land surface when measured during 28 Feb. 1985 to 16 Jul. 2024. The current well casing measuring point (stickup) is 4.12 feet (1390.91 ft. NAVD88, +/- 0.01 ft.) above land surface when measured during 28 Feb. 1985 to 16 Jul. 2024.The open interval of the well is between 13.50 and 16.00 feet below land surface and the total well depth is 18.97 feet below land surface.

On 16 Jul. 2024, the well casing stickup was rebuilt at the raft. The stickup/MP changed from 5.67 ft. (MP1) to 4.12 ft. (MP2) after the stickup/MP was rebuilt.

NOTE: This well extends out of the top of a wooden raft in the middle of an unnamed lake. The well is screened below the bottom of the lake. This well is typically frozen during late-Fall to early-Spring due to being in the middle of the frozen lake
DATUM - Land-surface datum is 1,386.83 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. Measuring point: MP assumed to be the top of casing, not protection post, 5.67 ft above land-surface datum, Feb. 28, 1985 to present.

The current measuring point (MP2) is a black mark on the aluminum well cap ring, which is 4.12 feet above land surface during 16 Jul. 2024 to the present. The measuring point (stickup) length is hard to accurately measure at this well due to it being located the middle of a lake at a raft, so getting a true "land surface" is nearly impossible. Elevation of the measuring point was 1390.91 plus-or-minus 0.01 feet above sea level, North American Vertical Datum of 1988, based on a differential levels survey on 25 Jul. 2025. Differential levels were shot from MP2 to the MP at nearby at 1217E.

The measuring point (MP1) was a black mark on the aluminum well cap ring, which remains at 5.67 feet above land surface during 28 Feb. 1985 to 16 Jul. 2024. The measuring point (stickup) length is hard to accurately measure at this well due to it being located the middle of a lake at a raft, so getting a true "land surface" is nearly impossible. Elevation of the measuring point was 1392.48 plus-or-minus 0.01 feet above sea level, North American Vertical Datum of 1988, based on a differential GPS Survey on 29 Jun. 2011.

The measuring point (MP1) was a black mark on well casing, which was 5.67 feet above land surface on Feb. 28, 1985. Elevation of the measuring point that measuring point was 1390.84 plus-or-minus 0.01 feet above sea level, North American Vertical Datum of 1988, based on differential GPS Survey on 29 Jun. 2011.


Water levels were recorded periodically from 05 April 1992 to the present. Water levels were recorded hourly during 12 May 2011 at 10:00 CDT to 27 October 2011 at 09:00 CDT.

GAGE - This well is not currently gaged. Only visited periodically to measure discrete groundwater levels and periodically collect discrete QW samples.

Continuous water level was measured with an OTT Orpheus Mini 0-4m pressure transducer from 12 May 2011 to 27 Oct. 2011. Data were recorded hourly by the same OTT Orpheus Mini pressure transducer, which had a datalogger built into it. The datalogger was housed inside of the 2-inch galvanized steel well casing, which has a aluminum locking well cap on top of that. The gage was powered by 3 AA alkaline batteries that were inside of the communications rod. Data was downloaded manually and no telemetry or phone line was wired into the gage. The OTT Orpheus Mini pressure transducer and datalogger were removed from the well on 27 Oct. 2011 due to completion of the study.
COOPERATION - Well 501C is operated in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey's Toxic Substances Hydrology Program, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Enbridge Energy Inc., and Beltrami County. This well is located at the National Crude-Oil Spill Research Site near Bemidji, Minnesota.
WELL CHARACTERISTICS - Depth 18.97 ft. Upper casing diameter 2.04 in; top of first opening 13.5 ft, bottom of last opening 16 ft. Well 501C is a groundwater observation well that was drilled on 28 Feb. 1985 with a 7.25-inch-diameter, with an unknown drill rig to a unknown borehole depth. The well is constructed of a 2.5-feet-long, 2.04-inch-diameter, schedule-40, galvanized steel, 0.010-inch slotted, well screen, attached with to length/s of 2.04-inch-diameter, schedule-40 galvanized steel well casing. The original well casing measuring point (stickup) was 5.67 feet (1392.50 ft. NAVD88, +/- 0.01 ft.) above land surface when measured during 28 Feb. 1985 to 16 Jul. 2024. The current well casing measuring point (stickup) is 4.12 feet (1390.91 ft. NAVD88, +/- 0.01 ft.) above land surface when measured during 28 Feb. 1985 to 16 Jul. 2024.The open interval of the well is between 13.50 and 16.00 feet below land surface and the total well depth is 18.97 feet below land surface.

On 16 Jul. 2024, the well casing stickup was rebuilt at the raft. The stickup/MP changed from 5.67 ft. (MP1) to 4.12 ft. (MP2) after the stickup/MP was rebuilt.

NOTE: This well extends out of the top of a wooden raft in the middle of an unnamed lake. The well is screened below the bottom of the lake. This well is typically frozen during late-Fall to early-Spring due to being in the middle of the frozen lake
DATUM - Land-surface datum is 1,386.83 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. Measuring point: MP assumed to be the top of casing, not protection post, 5.67 ft above land-surface datum, Feb. 28, 1985 to present.

The current measuring point (MP2) is a black mark on the aluminum well cap ring, which is 4.12 feet above land surface during 16 Jul. 2024 to the present. The measuring point (stickup) length is hard to accurately measure at this well due to it being located the middle of a lake at a raft, so getting a true "land surface" is nearly impossible. Elevation of the measuring point was 1390.91 plus-or-minus 0.01 feet above sea level, North American Vertical Datum of 1988, based on a differential levels survey on 25 Jul. 2025. Differential levels were shot from MP2 to the MP at nearby at 1217E.

The measuring point (MP1) was a black mark on the aluminum well cap ring, which remains at 5.67 feet above land surface during 28 Feb. 1985 to 16 Jul. 2024. The measuring point (stickup) length is hard to accurately measure at this well due to it being located the middle of a lake at a raft, so getting a true "land surface" is nearly impossible. Elevation of the measuring point was 1392.48 plus-or-minus 0.01 feet above sea level, North American Vertical Datum of 1988, based on a differential GPS Survey on 29 Jun. 2011.

The measuring point (MP1) was a black mark on well casing, which was 5.67 feet above land surface on Feb. 28, 1985. Elevation of the measuring point that measuring point was 1390.84 plus-or-minus 0.01 feet above sea level, North American Vertical Datum of 1988, based on differential GPS Survey on 29 Jun. 2011.


Water quality samples have been collected periodically from 26 July 2002 to the present. Water temperatures were recorded hourly during 12 May 2011 at 10:00 CDT to 27 October 2011 at 09:00 CDT.

COOPERATION - Well 501C is operated in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey's Toxic Substances Hydrology Program, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Enbridge Energy Inc., and Beltrami County. This well is located at the National Crude-Oil Spill Research Site near Bemidji, Minnesota.
INSTRUMENTATION - Water temperature is measured with an OTT Orpheus Mini 0-4m pressure transducer internal thermistor. Water temperatures are accurate to plus-or-minus 0.5°C, but differences in temperature are accurate to 0.1°C. Water temperature measuring range capability of -25°C to 70°C, ice free.