USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
474135096203001 G01-R 149N44W30CAAD 0000620661
Sand and gravel aquifers (glaciated regions)
Glacial Surficial Sand and/or Gravel
LOCATION - Lat 47°41'34.7", long 96°20'30.25" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, in NE 1/4 NE 1/4 SW 1/4 sec.30, T.149 N., R.44 W., Polk County, MN, Hydrologic Unit 09020303, 11.7 miles east and 4.7 miles south of Crookston, Minnesota or 9 miles west and 0.6 miles south of Mentor, Minnesota.
WELL CHARACTERISTICS - Depth 10.42 ft. Upper casing diameter 2.04 in; top of first opening 5.58 ft, bottom of last opening 9.88 ft. The hole for well G01 was drilled with a 8.25-inch diameter, hydraulic rotary drill rig, on 16 August 2002 to a depth of 22.5 feet. The well is constructed of a 4.3-foot-long, 2.04-inch-diameter, flush-threaded schedule-40 PVC, 0.010-inch slotted screen attached to 5.58 feet of 2.04-inch-diameter, schedule-40 PVC casing. The casing stickup was 3.62 feet above land surface on 07 May 2014. The open interval of the well is 5.58 - 9.88 feet below land surface and the total well depth is 10.42 feet.
DATUM - Land-surface datum is 1,069.46 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. Measuring point: Well heaves. This MP should not be used to calculate WL,BLS. MP at well is not updated here, 2.76 ft above land-surface datum, Aug. 16, 2002 to present; MP change was prorated during Fall 2002, 2.8 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2004 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2004, 2.88 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2005 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2005, 2.97 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2006 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2006, 3.05 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2007 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2007, 3.13 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2008 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2008, 3.22 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2009 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2009, 3.3 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2010 to present; MP is mark on top of casing, NOT protection post, 3.32 ft above land-surface datum, Apr. 28, 2011 to present; MP is mark on top of casing, NOT protection post, 3.33 ft above land-surface datum, Jul. 13, 2011 to present; MP is mark on top of casing, NOT protection post, 3.42 ft above land-surface datum, Jul. 13, 2011 to present; MP is casing, NOT protection post, relative to RP1, 3.57 ft above land-surface datum, Apr. 9, 2014 to present; MP is casing, NOT protection post, relative to RP1, 3.62 ft above land-surface datum, May 7, 2014 to Apr. 16, 2017; Black mark on 2-inch PVC well casing, NOT protection post, 3.79 ft above land-surface datum, Apr. 17, 2017 to present.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Daily water levels are recorded from 23 October, 2002 to 21 May, 2003. Hourly water levels are recorded from 21 May, 2003 at 14:00 CDT to the present, except during the following periods:
May 26, 2004 at 03:00 CDT - Jun. 02, 2004 at 13:00 CDT: due to station failure.
Jul. 26, 2004 at 20:00 CDT to Jul. 29, 2004 at 15:00 CDT: due to station failure.
Jun. 12, 2005 at 17:00 CDT - Jun. 28, 2005 at 18:00 CDT: due to station failure.
Nov. 02, 2013 at 19:00 CDT - Nov. 13, 203 at 10:00 CST: due to transducer failure.
When possible, missing daily-average water levels (above) were accurately estimated based on the trend of the hydrograph during these periods.
As of 19 April 2016 at 8:47 CDT, data collection for the Glacial Ridge project has ended. Hourly water levels continue to be recorded and semiannual calibration measurements continue to be collected. However, water levels are no longer being corrected or approved.
GAGE - Water level is measured with a Design Analysis H-310 submersible pressure transducer accurate to 0.01 feet. Shelter temperature, and battery voltage are measured by a Campbell Scientific, Inc. CR206 data logger, which also records all data hourly. The data logger is housed in a 14-inch X 16-inch grey fiberglass shelter attached to the well protection post. The gage is powered by a 10W solar panel and is telemetered by radio to telephone telemetry.
COOPERATION - Well G01 is operated as part of a study to understand hydrologic changes resulting from wetland and prairie restoration and climate change. The station is operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Red Lake Watershed District, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and The Nature Conservancy.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Precipitation are recorded hourly during 29 April, 2003 at 15:00 CDT - to the present, except during the following periods:
May 26, 2004 at 03:00 CDT - Jun. 02, 2004 at 13:00 CDT: due to station failure.
Jul. 26, 2004 at 20:00 CDT - Jul. 29, 2004 at 15:00 CDT: due to station failure.
Jun. 12, 2005 at 17:00 CDT - Jun. 28, 2005 at 18:00 CDT: due to station failure.
Apr. 29, 2010 - Apr. 28, 2011: record suspect due to dead frog partially covering funnel
When possible, missing precipitation daily-sums (above) were accurately estimated based on precipitation records from the nearby Glacial Ridge Project rain gages.
During Jul. 05, 2015 at 03:00 CDT - Jul. 22, 2015 at 09:00 CDT the raingage funnel was partially plugged causing inaccurate hourly totals. After comparing with rainfall data at nearby site E01S, it appears that all rainfall eventually passed through the raingage. Therefore totals during this period are accurate when rainfall from each of the 3 storms are totalled separately.
Precipitation was corrected and approved until Oct. 12, 2015. Precipitation continues to be recorded but raingage maintenance and calibration data collection ceased on Oct. 12, 2015.
INSTRUMENTATION - Precipitation is measured with a Texas Electronics TRP-525I tipping-bucket rain gage, which is accurate to 0.01 inches. The rain gage is unheated and uncovered during the winter. Thus precipitation data during freezing periods (about December through early April) result from melting of snow during warm periods and do NOT represent actual precipitation.
WELL CHARACTERISTICS - Depth 10.42 ft. Upper casing diameter 2.04 in; top of first opening 5.58 ft, bottom of last opening 9.88 ft. The hole for well G01 was drilled with a 8.25-inch diameter, hydraulic rotary drill rig, on 16 August 2002 to a depth of 22.5 feet. The well is constructed of a 4.3-foot-long, 2.04-inch-diameter, flush-threaded schedule-40 PVC, 0.010-inch slotted screen attached to 5.58 feet of 2.04-inch-diameter, schedule-40 PVC casing. The casing stickup was 3.62 feet above land surface on 07 May 2014. The open interval of the well is 5.58 - 9.88 feet below land surface and the total well depth is 10.42 feet.
DATUM - Land-surface datum is 1,069.46 ft above North American Vertical Datum of 1988. Measuring point: Well heaves. This MP should not be used to calculate WL,BLS. MP at well is not updated here, 2.76 ft above land-surface datum, Aug. 16, 2002 to present; MP change was prorated during Fall 2002, 2.8 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2004 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2004, 2.88 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2005 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2005, 2.97 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2006 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2006, 3.05 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2007 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2007, 3.13 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2008 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2008, 3.22 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2009 to present; MP change was prorated during Dec. 2009, 3.3 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 30, 2010 to present; MP is mark on top of casing, NOT protection post, 3.32 ft above land-surface datum, Apr. 28, 2011 to present; MP is mark on top of casing, NOT protection post, 3.33 ft above land-surface datum, Jul. 13, 2011 to present; MP is mark on top of casing, NOT protection post, 3.42 ft above land-surface datum, Jul. 13, 2011 to present; MP is casing, NOT protection post, relative to RP1, 3.57 ft above land-surface datum, Apr. 9, 2014 to present; MP is casing, NOT protection post, relative to RP1, 3.62 ft above land-surface datum, May 7, 2014 to Apr. 16, 2017; Black mark on 2-inch PVC well casing, NOT protection post, 3.79 ft above land-surface datum, Apr. 17, 2017 to present.
PERIOD OF RECORD - Daily water temperatures are record from 23 October, 2002 to 21 May, 2003. Hourly water temperatures are recorded from 21 May, 2003 at 14:00 CDT to the present, except during the following periods:
May 26, 2004 at 03:00 CDT - Jun. 02, 2004 at 13:00 CDT: due to station failure.
Jul. 26, 2004 at 20:00 CDT to Jul. 29, 2004 at 15:00 CDT: due to station failure.
Jun. 12, 2005 at 17:00 CDT - Jun. 28, 2005 at 18:00 CDT: due to station failure.
Nov. 02, 2013 at 19:00 CDT - Nov. 13, 203 at 10:00 CST: due to transducer failure.
When possible, missing daily-average water temperatures (above) were accurately estimated based on the trend of the thermograph during these periods.
As of 19 April 2016 at 8:47 CDT, data collection for the Glacial Ridge project has ended. Hourly water temperatures continue to be recorded and semiannual calibration measurements continue to be collected. However, water temperatures are no longer being corrected or approved.
COOPERATION - Well G01 is operated as part of a study to understand hydrologic changes resulting from wetland and prairie restoration and climate change. The station is operated by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Red Lake Watershed District, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and The Nature Conservancy.
INSTRUMENTATION - Water temperature is measured with a Design Analysis H-310 submersible pressure transducer accurate to +/- 1.0°C. Temperature differences are accurate to 0.1°C.