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Water-Year Summary for Site 50047550

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Available Parameters
00045 Precipitation(Sum)  
72375 Elevation, lake/res, LMSL(Obs.) [OLDPR]  
72379 Elevation, lake/res, PRVD02(Obs.)  

Water year 2024: 2023-10-01 to 2024-09-30

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USGS Water-Year Summary 2024
LOCATION - Lat 18°11'56", long 66°08'28" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, Cidra Municipio, PR, Hydrologic Unit 21010005, at Lago de Cidra Dam on Río de Bayamón, 1.9 mi (3 km) northeast of Cidra plaza, and 1.8 mi (2.9 km) northwest of Segunda Unidad de Bayamón School.
DRAINAGE AREA - 8.26 mi². (21.39 km2).
REVISIONS HISTORY - Datum of gage was previously reported in the site file as 1443.6 ft (440.0 m) above NGVD29 and LMSL-Old PR. NGVD29 datum does not exist in Puerto Rico and the correct LMSL-Old PR elevation is 1288 ft (392.6 m), published historical records did not reflect this site file typo. Revised to PRVD02 Datum of 1286.55 ft. (392.1 m) in October 2022.
PERIOD OF RECORD - January 1988 to current year.
GAGE - Water-stage recorder, satellite and radio telemetry at station. Datum of gage is 1286.55 ft. (392.1 m) above Puerto Rico Vertical Datum of 2002 (PRVD02) and 1.45 ft. (0.44 m) below Local Mean Sea Level (LMSL- Old PR).
COOPERATION - Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority, (PRASA).
REMARKS - Lago de Cidra was completed in 1946. The maximum storage is 5,300 acre-ft (6.53 hm3) and provides supplemental water to metropolitan San Juan. The dam is a concrete gravity and earthfill structure, approximately 541 ft (165 m) long between abutments with a maximum structural height of about 78.7 ft (24 m). The spillway portion of the dam, length 131 ft (40 m) and crest elevation 1,322 ft (403 m), is an ungated ogee crest located 131 ft (40 m) from the right abutment.
EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD - Maximum elevation 1,328.09 ft (404.8 m), September 10, 1996; minimum elevation 1,295.86 ft (394.98 m), April 22, 1995.
PERIOD OF RECORD - October 2016 to current year.
INSTRUMENTATION - Tipping bucket precipitation gage and data collection platform – 15 minutes interval.