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USGS Daily Statistics for New York

The statistics generated from this site are based on approved daily-mean data and may not match those published by the USGS in official publications. The user is responsible for assessment and use of statistics from this site. For more details on why the statistics may not match, click here.


Dutchess County, New York
Hydrologic Unit Code 02020008
Latitude  41°39'11", Longitude  73°52'21" NAD83
Drainage area 181  square miles
Contributing drainage area 181  square miles
Gage datum 114.37 feet above NGVD29
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1927-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 357 294 419 610 351 259 221 92 78 141 151 284
2 337 300 408 602 337 266 181 90 120 130 150 287
3 325 333 421 615 330 240 159 92 107 134 177 268
4 325 350 446 614 341 221 153 84 103 139 178 260
5 314 314 499 638 333 206 143 88 92 131 170 265
6 316 289 523 619 327 215 133 83 87 132 171 281
7 324 310 567 584 325 252 120 95 96 130 168 305
8 328 321 523 571 305 235 112 85 113 131 178 307
9 321 286 531 521 297 207 112 99 110 142 210 283
10 331 277 487 499 304 205 126 111 92 129 199 285
11 308 288 519 476 337 204 108 122 84 120 198 301
12 292 298 570 466 337 192 99 117 82 124 200 335
13 289 292 559 480 331 194 107 102 92 123 207 332
14 299 319 552 467 325 205 139 99 106 119 203 323
15 311 317 598 455 314 190 144 87 104 153 209 324
16 294 325 597 529 317 183 142 82 101 182 199 297
17 270 316 604 546 338 177 128 76 127 159 217 295
18 255 329 615 486 313 168 117 83 125 141 216 324
19 275 345 589 455 311 164 106 190 142 137 203 319
20 308 340 589 446 312 158 107 129 135 160 232 282
21 290 355 616 433 296 156 141 92 151 182 239 307
22 312 365 678 426 274 173 157 89 180 155 233 339
23 297 372 677 423 256 174 135 92 129 140 241 305
24 320 383 647 415 261 156 135 87 119 147 227 320
25 425 451 619 414 274 148 120 85 132 146 226 353
26 438 485 604 399 260 156 107 83 136 158 242 335
27 420 440 601 389 243 154 102 84 129 168 250 323
28 415 436 598 364 233 164 100 141 141 171 244 307
29 359 366 601 361 241 160 102 171 156 170 274 303
30 327   599 358 293 203 106 107 154 163 279 318
31 310   632   276   103 88   155   366