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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Iroquois County, Illinois
Hydrologic Unit Code 07120002
Latitude  40°49'23", Longitude  87°34'54" NAD83
Drainage area 686  square miles
Gage datum 614.13 feet above NAVD88
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1944-10-01 -> 2025-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 830 704 1,040 1,140 1,100 873 732 208 185 205 279 531
2 798 698 1,000 1,140 1,090 875 681 187 199 203 298 529
3 800 686 981 1,140 1,050 854 650 181 202 203 320 529
4 808 680 1,010 1,170 987 786 616 177 187 219 319 519
5 815 723 1,100 1,160 932 754 582 170 173 214 313 507
6 817 743 1,100 1,150 864 770 535 178 165 209 311 493
7 798 712 1,070 1,140 826 779 489 190 163 206 298 492
8 791 674 1,060 1,100 820 792 482 197 156 201 280 503
9 781 673 1,080 1,060 816 820 562 183 161 204 265 495
10 740 717 1,110 1,020 822 845 604 179 169 212 253 483
11 722 726 1,180 1,020 828 855 615 171 175 220 262 487
12 724 734 1,180 1,060 859 872 638 160 177 238 279 520
13 738 735 1,170 1,070 923 947 661 159 181 238 283 533
14 743 749 1,180 1,070 968 976 677 154 215 239 293 523
15 723 777 1,160 1,080 980 1,000 652 142 253 238 315 557
16 707 776 1,140 1,080 979 988 591 136 254 242 337 588
17 663 818 1,110 1,080 980 949 525 138 242 274 367 577
18 630 872 1,100 1,060 977 916 488 149 232 301 386 554
19 617 916 1,130 1,040 960 880 468 161 223 300 419 528
20 612 940 1,160 1,040 935 848 461 177 207 291 436 501
21 613 1,070 1,160 1,030 909 815 465 185 192 279 434 503
22 624 1,140 1,130 1,010 867 784 483 183 189 283 422 561
23 653 1,180 1,090 1,010 838 755 468 180 196 302 420 587
24 709 1,220 1,070 987 801 731 446 162 205 335 432 595
25 715 1,190 1,030 988 778 720 418 149 204 355 427 623
26 706 1,120 1,030 987 789 720 381 155 200 366 433 634
27 703 1,080 1,030 999 791 731 346 154 196 363 452 653
28 713 1,080 1,080 1,020 801 794 317 149 203 347 484 679
29 712 657 1,110 1,030 813 787 278 160 210 324 507 743
30 722   1,120 1,060 822 761 249 168 206 303 525 791
31 723   1,120   861   235 165   292   834