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USGS Daily Statistics for the Nation

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Washoe County, Nevada
Hydrologic Unit Code 16050103
Latitude  39°37'56", Longitude 119°16'56" NAD27
Drainage area 1,728  square miles
Gage datum 4,039.00 feet above NGVD29
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00060, Discharge, cubic feet per second,
Day of
Mean of daily mean values for each day for water year of record in, ft3/s   (Calculation Period 1964-10-01 -> 2024-09-30)

Calculation period restricted by USGS staff due to special conditions at/near site
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 823 591 854 1,090 1,310 1,330 711 254 179 255 271 431
2 830 573 883 1,070 1,360 1,300 668 249 182 231 264 436
3 861 574 896 1,060 1,350 1,260 639 241 185 212 254 456
4 719 582 877 1,050 1,330 1,260 608 238 188 206 249 429
5 712 628 872 1,050 1,330 1,290 594 237 188 199 249 428
6 663 601 856 1,040 1,340 1,280 572 235 196 194 256 430
7 625 615 844 1,060 1,330 1,270 567 230 194 202 257 394
8 642 676 895 1,070 1,350 1,210 534 227 201 213 261 399
9 863 761 871 1,080 1,370 1,190 526 233 205 215 261 384
10 756 835 887 1,070 1,370 1,160 520 241 228 217 262 384
11 762 727 958 1,080 1,370 1,140 483 238 229 221 287 442
12 703 664 942 1,120 1,380 1,120 442 215 233 226 325 440
13 748 650 924 1,080 1,420 1,120 423 209 233 225 312 484
14 801 759 937 1,080 1,450 1,130 406 211 234 241 317 477
15 747 826 914 1,070 1,470 1,110 387 230 236 231 301 470
16 712 832 949 1,060 1,520 1,090 379 231 250 230 289 502
17 786 835 1,020 1,060 1,570 1,080 370 219 241 251 340 487
18 723 971 988 1,070 1,590 1,060 379 231 246 242 364 474
19 716 1,020 953 1,090 1,610 1,030 365 227 247 234 350 494
20 711 953 938 1,100 1,630 1,000 349 224 243 230 351 590
21 738 959 959 1,110 1,600 946 333 234 244 225 342 556
22 776 928 996 1,160 1,580 908 341 228 245 217 371 576
23 690 870 1,020 1,180 1,540 882 325 218 250 222 379 589
24 718 838 1,010 1,170 1,490 845 317 204 253 230 458 543
25 718 819 987 1,180 1,470 816 274 200 253 326 443 528
26 753 792 988 1,180 1,460 785 261 193 254 299 397 529
27 706 793 999 1,200 1,450 757 253 200 264 286 393 552
28 650 871 1,000 1,230 1,430 738 248 192 264 261 399 554
29 642 674 1,010 1,240 1,390 759 249 182 264 270 394 542
30 648   1,020 1,250 1,390 755 252 181 259 264 399 580
31 618   1,060   1,370   249 176   266   779