Location.--Latitude 47°19'21.05", Longitude
123°17'09.96", NAD83;, in SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Section 2, Township 21
North, Range 5 West, in Mason County, Hydrologic Unit 17110017, on
right bank 1.7 miles upstream from confluence with South Fork Skokomish
River, 9 miles west of Union. Drainage
area is 20.6 mi2. Datum of
gage is NAVD of 1988.
this station.
Additional Data and Information.-- Latest
shifted rating.
Flood Stage.--The National Weather Service has not
established a Flood
Stage for this station.
Funding for this site is provided by the
cooperators / programs below:
Station Notes
As of Oct. 1, 2020, this site
is gage height only.
The gaging station will be
discontinued Oct. 1, 2022 due to a lack of funding. If you
have questions or wish to support gage operations, please use the
"Questions about sites/data?" link at the bottom of this
Boating safety tips