Location.--Latitude 48°45'19", Longitude
122°24'55", in SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Section 27, Township 38 North,
Range 4 East, in Whatcom County, Hydrologic Unit 17110002, on
left bank 30 feet upstream from Lakeview Avenue, 50 feet downstream
from small dam and pond, 3.0 miles from of City of Bellingham, and at
mile 0.2 and from Lake Whatcom. Drainage
area is 0.79 mi2. Elevation
of gage is 320 feet above NGVD of 1929, from topographic map.
this station on a
map of the basin (PDF).
Additional Data and Information.-- Latest shifted
Flood Stage.--The National Weather Service has not
established a Flood
Stage for this station.
Station Notes
Due to a lack of funding, this
station was discontinued October 1, 2016. If you have any questions
or to inquire about potentially funding this site, please use the
"Questions" or "Feedback" links at the bottom
of this page.