Working with pretty big data in R
Exploring file format options in R.
The vast majority of the projects that my data science team works on use
flat files for data storage. Sometimes, the files get a bit large, so we
create a set of files…but basically we’ve been fine without wading into
the world of databases. Recently however, the data involved in our
projects are creeping up to be bigger and bigger. We’re still not
anywhere in the “BIG DATA (TM)” realm, but big enough to warrant
exploring options. This blog explores the options: csv (both from
and data.table
), RDS, fst, sqlite, feather, monetDB. One of
the takeaways I’ve learned was that there is not a single right answer.
This post will attempt to lay out the options and summarize the pros and
In a blog post that laid out similar work:
and continued
Karl Broman discusses his journey from flat files to “big-ish data”.
I’ve taken some of his workflow, added more robust analysis for fst
and monetDB
, and used my own data.
File Format | Read Method | Complete | Filter | Group & Summarize | Write Time (sec) | File Size (MB) |
rds | bulk | 57 | 62 | 48.7 | 66 | 1281 |
rds compressed | bulk | 69 | 52 | 50.8 | 80 | 55 |
csv (readr) | limited partial | 27 | 21 | 17.3 | 110 | 704 |
csv.gz (readr) | limited partial | 105 | 112 | 97.9 | 112 | 66 |
csv (fread) | limited partial | 14 | 8 | 6.4 | 4 | 504 |
feather | limited partial | 11 | 3 | 0.8 | 6 | 818 |
fst | limited partial | 6 | 4 | 0.5 | 10 | 989 |
fst compressed | limited partial | 6 | 3 | 0.4 | 20 | 123 |
sqlite | partial | 45 | 14 | 1.6 | 55 | 464 |
monetDB | partial | 8 | 2 | 1.3 | 58 | 360 |
“Too long…didn’t read” summary:
There are a lot of useful code examples below, but if you want to jump ahead to the final results, this table summarizes the results. This table lists all of the packages that were tested, the time it took to read and write some sample data, and the file size.
Shared Database
First question: should we set up a shared database?
A database is probably many data scientist’s go-to tool for data storage and access. There are many database options, and discussing the pros and cons of each can fill a semester-long college course. This post will not cover those topics.
Our initial question was: when should we even consider going through the process of setting up a shared database? There’s overhead involved, and our group would either need a spend a fair amount of time getting over the initial learning-curve or spend a fair amount of our limited resources on access to skilled database administrators. None of these hurdles are insurmountable, but we want to make sure our project and data needs are worth those investments.
If a single file can be easily passed around to coworkers, and loaded entirely in memory directly in R, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to consider a shared database. Maybe the data can be logically chunked into several files (or 100’s….or 1,000’s) that make collaborating on the same data easier. What conditions warrant our “R-flat-file-happy” group to consider a database? I asked and got great advice from members of the rOpenSci community. This is what I learned:
“Identify how much CRUD (create, read, update, delete) you need to do over time and how complicated your conceptual model is. If you need people to be interacting and changing data a shared database can help add change tracking and important constraints to data inputs. If you have multiple things that interact like sites, species, field people, measurement classes, complicated requested_date concepts etc then the db can help.” Steph Locke
“One thing to consider is whether the data are updated and how, and by single or multiple processes.” Elin Waring
“I encourage people towards databases when/if they need to make use of all the validation logic you can put into databases. If they just need to query, a pattern I like is to keep the data in a text-based format like CSV/TSV and load the data into sqlite for querying.” Bryce Mecum
“I suppose another criterion is whether multiple people need to access the same data or just a solo user. Concurrency afforded by DBs is nice in that regard.” James Balamuta
All great points! In the majority of our data science projects, the focus is not on creating and maintaining complex data systems…it’s using large amounts of data. Most if not all of that data already come from other databases (usually through web services). So…the big hurdles involved in setting up a shared database for our projects at the moment seems unnecessary.
Flat Files
OK, so we don’t need to buy an Oracle license. We still want to make a smart choice in the way we save and access the data. We usually have one to many file(s) that we share between a few people. So, we’ll want to minimize the file size to reduce that transfer time (we have used Google drive and S3 buckets to store files to share historically). We’d also like to minimize the time to read and write the files. Maintaining attributes such as column types is also ideal.
I will be using a large, wide, data frame to test the data.table
, fst
, feather
, sqlite
, and MonetDBLite
data import
I also considered the sparklyr
and vroom
packages. sparklyr
and sounds like an appealing option especially for “really big data”.
However, I was not able to get my standard examples presented here to
work. The dependency on a specific version of Java made me nervous (at
least, at the time of writing this blog post). So, while it might be an
attractive solution, there was a bit too much of a learning curve for
the needs of our group. At the time of writing this blog, vroom
still very much in development, and I found there to be a few bugs still
being worked out.
The sample data I used was from an Apache server log. The columns are a mix of factors, characters, numerics, dates, and logicals. Keep in mind that your own personal “biggish” data frame and your hardware might have different results. Let’s start by loading the whole file into memory.
biggish <- readRDS("test.rds")
## [1] 3731514
## [1] 38
Read, write, and files size
Using the “biggish” data frame, I’m going to write and read the files completely in memory to start. Because we are often shuffling files around (one person pushes up to an S3 bucket and another pulls them down for example), I also want to compare compressed files vs not compressed when possible.
If you can read in all your data at once, read/write time and file size
should be enough to help you choose your file format. There are many
instances in our “biggish” data projects that we don’t always need nor
want ALL the data ALL the time. I will also compare how long it takes to
pull a subset of the data by pulling out a date, numeric, and string,
and then do some filtering. Some of the functions to read in data
, fread
, feather
) can read in specific columns without loading
the whole file initially. These functions will read and filter/summarize
the data much quicker since less data is in memory from the start. The
true database options (sqlite
, monetDB
) will rely on the databases
to do the processing outside of R (so, they also will ultimately read in
less data).
First, I’ll show individually how to do each of these operations. The
end of this post will include a table summarizing all the information.
It is generated using the microbenchmark
RDS No Compression
We’ll start with the basic R binary file, the “RDS” file. saveRDS
an argument “compress” that defaults to TRUE
. Not compressing the
files results in a bigger file size, but quicker read and write times.
file_name <- "test.rds"
# Write:
saveRDS(biggish, file = file_name, compress = FALSE)
# Read:
rds_df <- readRDS(file_name)
RDS files must be read entirely in memory so the “Read & Filter” and
“Read & Group & Summarize” times will be driven by the “Read” timing.
However, I will use 2 examples throughout to test the timings. The
examples are deliberately set up to test some dplyr
basic verbs and
various data types, as well as tricky situations like timezones.
min_bytes <- 100000
param_cd <- "00060"
group_col <- "statecd"
service <- "dv"
# Read and Filter:
read_filter <- readRDS(file_name) %>%
filter(bytes > !!min_bytes,
grepl(!!param_cd, parametercds)) %>%
select(bytes, requested_date, parametercds)
# Read and Group and Summarize:
read_group_summary <- readRDS(file_name) %>%
filter(service == !!service,
requested_date > as.POSIXct("2016-10-02 00:00:00",
tz = "America/New_York")) %>%
mutate(requested_date = as.Date(requested_date)) %>%
group_by(.dots = c(group_col, "requested_date")) %>%
summarize(MB = sum(as.numeric(bytes), na.rm = TRUE)/10^6)
Format | Read | Write | Read & Filter | Read & Group & Summarize |
rds | 57.1 | 66.3 | 61.7 | 48.7 |
Timing in seconds.
RDS Compression
file_name <- "test_compressed.rds"
# Write:
saveRDS(biggish, file = file_name, compress = TRUE)
# Read:
rds_compressed_df <- readRDS(file_name)
The “Read and Filter” data files will be the same process as “RDS No Compression”.
Format | Read | Write | Read & Filter | Read & Group & Summarize |
rds compression | 68.9 | 80.3 | 51.8 | 50.8 |
Timing in seconds.
readr No Compression
The readr
package fits nicely in the tidyverse.
file_name <- "test.csv"
# Write:
write_csv(biggish, path = file_name)
# Read:
readr_df <- read_csv(file_name, progress = FALSE)
attr(readr_df$requested_date, "tzone") <- "America/New_York"
includes arguments “col_types” and “col_names” to only load
specific columns into memory. This improves the load time if there are
many columns that aren’t needed. If there’s a known, continuous set of
rows, you can use the arguments “skip” and “n_max” to pull just what
you need. However, that is not flexible enough for most of our needs, so
I am not including that in this evaluation. Thanks to Jim
for clarifying how to use the
arguments, especially in the case of using a variable
min_bytes <- 100000
param_cd <- "00060"
group_col <- "statecd"
service <- "dv"
# Read and Filter:
read_filter_readr <- read_csv(file_name,
progress = FALSE,
col_types = cols_only("bytes" = col_integer(),
"parametercds"=col_character())) %>%
filter(bytes > !!min_bytes,
grepl(!!param_cd, parametercds))
attr(read_filter_readr$requested_date, "tzone") <- "America/New_York"
# Read and Group and Summarize:
read_group_summary_readr <- read_csv(file_name,
progress = FALSE,
col_types = rlang::list2(bytes = "d",
requested_date = "T",
service = "c",
!!group_col := "c",
.default = col_skip())) %>%
filter(service == !!service,
requested_date > as.POSIXct("2016-10-02 00:00:00")) %>%
mutate(requested_date = as.Date(requested_date)) %>%
group_by(.dots = c(group_col, "requested_date")) %>%
summarize(MB = sum(as.numeric(bytes), na.rm = TRUE)/10^6)
Format | Read | Write | Read & Filter | Read & Group & Summarize |
readr | 27.3 | 109.6 | 21.3 | 17.3 |
Timing in seconds.
readr Compression
file_name <- "test_readr.csv.gz"
# Write:
write_csv(biggish, path = file_name)
# Read:
readr_compressed_df <- read_csv(file_name, progress = FALSE)
The “Read and Filter” data files will be the same process as “readr No Compression”.
Format | Read | Write | Read & Filter | Read & Group & Summarize |
readr compression | 105 | 111.7 | 111.5 | 97.9 |
Timing in seconds.
fread No Compression
file_name <- "test.csv"
# Write:
fwrite(biggish, file = file_name)
# Read:
fread_df <- fread(file_name,
data.table = FALSE,
na.strings = "") %>%
mutate(requested_date = fastPOSIXct(requested_date, tz = "America/New_York"))
includes arguments “select”/“drop” to only load specific columns
into memory. This improves the load time if there are many columns that
aren’t needed. If there’s a known, continuous set of rows, you can use
the arguments “skip” and “nrows” to pull just what you need. However,
that is not flexible enough for most of our needs, so I am not including
that in this evaluation.
Also, I am keeping this analysis as a “data.frame” (rather than “data.table”) because it is the system our group has decided to stick with.
min_bytes <- 100000
param_cd <- "00060"
group_col <- "statecd"
service <- "dv"
# Read and Filter:
read_filter_fread <- fread(file_name, na.strings = "",
data.table = FALSE,
select = c("bytes","requested_date","parametercds")) %>%
filter(bytes > !!min_bytes,
grepl(!!param_cd, parametercds)) %>%
mutate(requested_date = fastPOSIXct(requested_date, tz = "America/New_York"))
# Read and Group and Summarize:
read_group_summary_fread <- fread(file_name,na.strings = "",
data.table = FALSE,
select = c("bytes","requested_date","service",group_col)) %>%
mutate(requested_date = fastPOSIXct(requested_date,
tz = "America/New_York")) %>%
filter(service == !!service,
requested_date > as.POSIXct("2016-10-02 00:00:00")) %>%
mutate(requested_date = as.Date(requested_date)) %>%
group_by(.dots = c(group_col, "requested_date")) %>%
summarize(MB = sum(as.numeric(bytes), na.rm = TRUE)/10^6)
Format | Read | Write | Read & Filter | Read & Group & Summarize |
fread | 14.4 | 3.8 | 7.9 | 6.4 |
Timing in seconds.
Note! I didn’t explore adjusting the nThread
argument in
. I also didn’t include a compressed version of
. Our crew is a hodge-podge of Windows, Mac, and Linux,
and we try to make our code work on any OS. Many of the solutions for
combining compression with data.table
functions looked fragile on the
different OSes. The data.table
package has an open GitHub issue to
support compression in the future. It may be worth updating this script
once that is added.
feather Compression
file_name <- "test.feather"
# Write:
write_feather(biggish, path = file_name)
# Read:
feather_df <- read_feather(file_name)
includes an argument “columns” to only load specific
columns into memory. This improves the load time if there are many
columns that aren’t needed.
min_bytes <- 100000
param_cd <- "00060"
group_col <- "statecd"
service <- "dv"
# Read and Filter:
read_filter_feather <- read_feather(file_name,
columns = c("bytes","requested_date","parametercds")) %>%
filter(bytes > !!min_bytes,
grepl(!!param_cd, parametercds))
# Read and Group and Summarize:
read_group_summarize_feather <- read_feather(file_name,
columns = c("bytes","requested_date","service",group_col)) %>%
filter(service == !!service,
requested_date > as.POSIXct("2016-10-02 00:00:00",
tz = "America/New_York")) %>%
mutate(requested_date = as.Date(requested_date)) %>%
group_by(.dots = c(group_col, "requested_date")) %>%
summarize(MB = sum(as.numeric(bytes), na.rm = TRUE)/10^6)
Format | Read | Write | Read & Filter | Read & Group & Summarize |
feather | 10.6 | 5.6 | 2.8 | 0.8 |
Timing in seconds.
For the same reason as fread
, I didn’t try compressing the feather
format. Both data.table
and feather
have open GitHub issues to
support compression in the future. It may be worth updating this script
once those features are added.
fst No Compression
file_name <- "test.fst"
# Write:
write_fst(biggish, path = file_name, compress = 0)
# Read:
fst_df <- read_fst(file_name)
min_bytes <- 100000
param_cd <- "00060"
group_col <- "statecd"
service <- "dv"
# Read and Filter:
read_filter_fst <- read_fst(file_name,
columns = c("bytes","requested_date","parametercds")) %>%
filter(bytes > !!min_bytes,
grepl(!!param_cd, parametercds))
# Read and Group and Summarize:
read_group_summarize_fst <- read_fst(file_name,
columns = c("bytes","requested_date","service",group_col)) %>%
filter(service == !!service,
requested_date > as.POSIXct("2016-10-02 00:00:00",
tz = "America/New_York")) %>%
mutate(requested_date = as.Date(requested_date)) %>%
group_by(.dots = c(group_col, "requested_date")) %>%
summarize(MB = sum(as.numeric(bytes), na.rm = TRUE)/10^6)
Format | Read | Write | Read & Filter | Read & Group & Summarize |
fst | 6.2 | 9.6 | 3.8 | 0.5 |
Timing in seconds.
fst Compression
file_name <- "test_compressed.fst"
# Write:
write_fst(biggish, path = file_name, compress = 100)
# Read:
fst_df <- read_fst(file_name)
The “Read and Filter” and “Read and Group and Summarize” retrievals will be the same process as in “fst No Compression”.
Format | Read | Write | Read & Filter | Read & Group & Summarize |
fst compression | 6.3 | 19.6 | 3.3 | 0.4 |
Timing in seconds.
SQLite does not have a storage class set aside for storing dates and/or times.
file_name <- "test.sqlite"
sqldb <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=file_name)
# Write:
dbWriteTable(sqldb,name = "test", biggish,
row.names=FALSE, overwrite=TRUE,
append=FALSE, field.types=NULL)
# Read:
sqlite_df <- tbl(sqldb,"test") %>%
collect() %>%
mutate(requested_date = as.POSIXct(requested_date,
tz = "America/New_York",
origin = "1970-01-01"))
Things to notice here, you can’t just use grep
min_bytes <- 100000
param_cd <- "00060"
group_col <- "statecd"
service <- "dv"
# Read and Filter:
read_filter_sqlite <- tbl(sqldb,"test") %>%
select(bytes, requested_date , parametercds) %>%
filter(bytes > !!min_bytes,
parametercds %like% '%00060%') %>%
collect() %>%
mutate(requested_date = as.POSIXct(requested_date,
tz = "America/New_York",
origin = "1970-01-01"))
# Read and Group and Summarize:
filter_time <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct("2016-10-02 00:00:00", tz = "America/New_York"))
read_group_summarize_sqlite <- tbl(sqldb,"test") %>%
select(bytes, requested_date, service, !!group_col) %>%
filter(service == !!service,
requested_date > !! filter_time) %>%
mutate(requested_date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(requested_date, 'unixepoch'))) %>%
group_by(!!sym(group_col), requested_date) %>%
summarize(MB = sum(bytes, na.rm = TRUE)/10^6) %>%
Format | Read | Write | Read & Filter | Read & Group & Summarize |
sqlite | 45.3 | 54.9 | 14.2 | 1.6 |
Timing in seconds.
It is important to note that this is the first “Read and Filter” and “Read and Group and Summarize” solution that is completely done outside of R. So when you are getting data that pushes the limits (or passes the limits) of what you can load directly into R, this is the first basic solution.
file_name <- "test.monet"
con <- dbConnect(MonetDBLite(), dbname = file_name)
# Write:
dbWriteTable(con, name = "test", biggish,
row.names=FALSE, overwrite=TRUE,
append=FALSE, field.types=NULL)
# Read:
monet_df <- dbReadTable(con, "test")
attr(monet_df$requested_date, "tzone") <- "America/New_York"
min_bytes <- 100000
param_cd <- "00060"
group_col <- "statecd"
service <- "dv"
# Read and Filter:
read_filter_monet <- tbl(con,"test") %>%
select(bytes, requested_date , parametercds) %>%
filter(bytes > !!min_bytes,
parametercds %like% '%00060%') %>%
attr(read_filter_monet$requested_date, "tzone") <- "America/New_York"
# Read and Group and Summarize:
# MonetDB needs the time in UTC, formatted exactly as:
# 'YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS', hence the last "format" commend:
filter_time <- as.POSIXct("2016-10-02 00:00:00", tz = "America/New_York")
attr(filter_time, "tzone") <- "UTC"
filter_time <- format(filter_time)
read_group_summarize_monet <- tbl(con,"test") %>%
select(bytes, requested_date, service, !!group_col) %>%
filter(service == !!service,
requested_date > !! filter_time) %>%
mutate(requested_date = str_to_date(timestamp_to_str(requested_date, '%Y-%m-%d'),'%Y-%m-%d')) %>%
group_by(!!sym(group_col), requested_date) %>%
summarize(MB = sum(bytes, na.rm = TRUE)/10^6) %>%
dbDisconnect(con, shutdown=TRUE)
Format | Read | Write | Read & Filter | Read & Group & Summarize |
MonetDB | 8 | 58.1 | 1.7 | 1.3 |
Timing in seconds.
Again, it is important to note that the “Read and Filter” and “Read and Group and Summarize” solutions are completely done outside of R. So when you are getting data that pushes the limits (or passes the limits) of what you can load directly into R, this is another good solution. There also appears to be a lot more flexibility in using date/times directly in MonetDB compared to SQLite.
File Format | Read Method | Complete | Filter | Group & Summarize | Write Time (sec) | File Size (MB) |
rds | bulk | 57 | 62 | 48.7 | 66 | 1281 |
rds compressed | bulk | 69 | 52 | 50.8 | 80 | 55 |
csv (readr) | limited partial | 27 | 21 | 17.3 | 110 | 704 |
csv.gz (readr) | limited partial | 105 | 112 | 97.9 | 112 | 66 |
csv (fread) | limited partial | 14 | 8 | 6.4 | 4 | 504 |
feather | limited partial | 11 | 3 | 0.8 | 6 | 818 |
fst | limited partial | 6 | 4 | 0.5 | 10 | 989 |
fst compressed | limited partial | 6 | 3 | 0.4 | 20 | 123 |
sqlite | partial | 45 | 14 | 1.6 | 55 | 464 |
monetDB | partial | 8 | 2 | 1.3 | 58 | 360 |
Note that sqlite
and MonetDB
are the only formats here that allow
careful filtering and calculate summaries without loading the whole data
set (classified as a “partial” read method). So if our “pretty big data”
gets “really big”, those will formats will rise to the top. If you can
read in all the rows without crashing R, readr
, fread
, feather
and fst
are fast!
Another consideration, who are your collaborators? If everyone’s using R
exclusively, this table on its own is a fine way to judge what format to
pick. If your collaborators are half R, half Python…you might favor
since that format works well in both systems.
Collecting this information has been a very useful activity for helping me understand the various options for saving and reading data in R. I tried to pick somewhat complex queries to test out the capabilities, but I acknowledge I’m not an expert on databases and file formats. I would be very happy to hear more efficient ways to perform these analyses.
Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
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