Details of NWISweb Decommission Campaign 1 from October 2024 to February 2025
Category: News
Summary of the NWISweb webpage decommissions ongoing from October 2024 through February 2027
The U.S. Geological Survey Water Mission Area is hiring a Communications and Engagement Team Lead (Interdisciplinary Supervisor; Announcement USGS-SAC-25-12597269-DHA-MW).
Feature to see current water conditions from all monitoring locations in a state that collect continuous data.
USGS is hiring a data scientist (GS 11/12) to work in the Data Science branch in the Water Mission Area.
WaterServices databases are receiving a major version update to meet security and dependency requirements.
Submit to the river chlorophyll forecasting challenge, co-hosted by the USGS Water Mission Area and Ecological Forecasting Initiative.
The GDP web interface, processing service, and THREDDS data server are being retired.
Feature to maintain a list of monitoring locations you are interested in and to see the latest values of real-time data.
Feature used for better dashboard and device integration, real-time data access (less than 120 days old), and location metadata.