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Visualizing Tropical Storm Colin Precipitation using geoknife

Using the R package geoknife to plot precipitation by county during Tropical Storm Colin.

Date Posted June 9, 2016 Last Updated December 13, 2024
Author Lindsay R Carr
Reading Time 2 minutes Share

Tropical Storm Colin (TS Colin) made landfall on June 6 in western Florida. The storm moved up the east coast, hitting Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. We can explore the impacts of TS Colin using open data and R. Using the USGS-R geoknife package, we can pull precipitation data by county.

First, we created two functions. One to fetch data and one to map data.

Function to retrieve precip data using geoknife :

getPrecip <- function(states, startDate, endDate){
  # use fips data from maps package
  counties_fips <- maps::county.fips %>% 
    mutate(statecounty=as.character(polyname)) %>% # character to split into state & county
    tidyr::separate(polyname, c('statename', 'county'), ',') %>%
    mutate(fips = sprintf('%05d', fips)) %>% # fips need 5 digits to join w/ geoknife result
    filter(statename %in% states) 
  stencil <- webgeom(geom = 'sample:Counties',
                     attribute = 'FIPS',
                     values = counties_fips$fips)
  fabric <- webdata(url = '', 
                    variables = "precipitation_amount",
                    times = c(startDate, endDate))
  job <- geoknife(stencil, fabric, wait = TRUE, REQUIRE_FULL_COVERAGE=FALSE)
  precipData_result <- result(job, with.units=TRUE)
  precipData <- precipData_result %>% 
    select(-variable, -statistic, -units) %>% 
    gather(key = fips, value = precipVal, -DateTime) %>%
    left_join(counties_fips, by="fips") #join w/ counties data

Function to map cumulative precipitation data using R package maps:

precipMap <- function(precipData, startDate, endDate){
  cols <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,'Blues'))(9)
  precip_breaks <- c(seq(0,80,by = 10), 200)
  precipData_cols <- precipData %>% 
    group_by(statename, statecounty) %>% 
    summarize(cumprecip = sum(precipVal)) %>% 
    mutate(cols = cut(cumprecip, breaks = precip_breaks, labels = cols, right=FALSE)) %>%
    mutate(cols = as.character(cols))
  par(mar = c(0,0,3,0))
  map('county', regions = precipData_cols$statecounty, 
      fill = TRUE, col = precipData_cols$cols, exact=TRUE)
  legend(x = "bottomright", fill = cols, cex = 0.7, bty = 'n', 
         title = "Cumulative\nPrecipitation (mm)",
         legend = c(paste('<', precip_breaks[-c(1,length(precip_breaks))]), 
                    paste('>', tail(precip_breaks,2)[1]))) # greater
  graphics::title("Cumulative Precipitation from Tropical Storm Colin",
                  line = 2, cex.main=1.2)  #title was being masked by geoknife
  mtext(side = 3, line = 1, cex = 0.9, 
        text= paste("By county from", startDate, "to", endDate))

Now, we can use those functions to fetch data for specific counties and time periods.

TS Colin made landfall on June 6th and moved into open ocean on June 7th. Use these dates as the start and end times in our function (need to account for timezone, +5 UTC). We can visualize the path of the storm by mapping cumulative precipitation for each county.

library(geoknife) #order matters because 'query' is masked by a function in dplyr

statesTSColin <- c('florida', 'alabama', 'georgia', 
                   'south carolina', 'north carolina')
startTSColin <- "2016-06-06 05:00:00"
endTSColin <- "2016-06-08 05:00:00"

precipData <- getPrecip(states = statesTSColin, 
                        startDate = startTSColin, 
                        endDate = endTSColin)
          startDate = startTSColin, 
          endDate = endTSColin)
Map of precipitation

Map of precipitation


Please direct any questions or comments on geoknife to:

Edited on 11/23/2018. Works with geoknife v1.4.0 on CRAN. Changes to fips retrieval to use US Census data based on changes for this geoknife issue .

Edited on 11/09/2020 to update data source and county data




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