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Using Leaflet and htmlwidgets in a Hugo-generated page

Using the R packages dataRetrieval, leaflet, and htmlwidgets, the workflow for a Hugo page is explained.

Date Posted August 23, 2016 Last Updated December 13, 2024
Author Laura DeCicco
Reading Time 1 minutes Share

We are excited to use many of the JavaScript data visualizations in R using the htmlwidgets package in future posts. Having decided on using Hugo , one of our first tasks was to figure out a fairly straightforward way to incorporate these widgets. This post describes the basic process to get a basic leaflet map in our Hugo-generated page.

In this example, we are looking for phosphorus measured throughout Wisconsin with the dataRetrieval package. Using dplyr , we filter the data to sites that have records longer than 15 years, and more than 50 measurements.

pCode <- c("00665")
phos.wi <- readNWISdata(stateCd="WI", parameterCd=pCode,
                     service="site", seriesCatalogOutput=TRUE)

phos.wi <- filter(phos.wi, parm_cd %in% pCode) %>%
            filter(count_nu > 50) %>%
            mutate(period = as.Date(end_date) - as.Date(begin_date)) %>%
            filter(period > 15*365)

Plot the sites on a map:

leafMap <- leaflet(data=phos.wi) %>%
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
                   color = "red", radius=3, stroke=FALSE,
                   fillOpacity = 0.8, opacity = 0.8,

Next, we use the htmlwidgets package to save a self-contained html file. The following code could be generally hid from the reader using echo=FALSE.


currentWD <- getwd()
dir.create("static/leaflet", showWarnings = FALSE)
saveWidget(leafMap, "leafMap.html")

The html that was saved with the saveWidget function can be called with the iframe html tag.

<iframe seamless src="static/leaflet/leafmap.html" width="100%" height="500"></iframe>

When building the site, Hugo converts the “leafMap.html” to “leafMap/index.html”.

One issue for our Hugo theme was that the created widget page is included in the overall site index. The was fixed by adding a line to the overall index.html layout page to only lists pages with dates above Jan. 1, 1970 (so really, any legitimate date):

{{ if ge $value.Date.Unix 0 }}
  <div class="col-sm-4">
    {{ .Render "grid" }}
{{ end }}

A screenshot of the map was taken to use for the thumbnail in the blog index.


Please direct any questions or comments on dataRetrieval to:


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