Decommissioning of the National Water Census - Data Portal
A timeline of deprication and links to data resources
What are you decommissioning?
As the USGS Water Mission Area (WMA) undertakes modernizing data delivery as part of implementation of the U.S. Geological Survey Water Science Strategy (Circular 1382-G ), resources will be directed away from legacy applications to new development and delivery mechanisms. In 2020, several WMA web applications are reaching end-of-life, are subject to critical vulnerabilities, and/or are subject to increased licensing fees. The National Water Census Data Portal has reached end-of-life and will be shut down (decommissioned) in the immediate future.
National Water Census – Data Portal (NWC-DP) Application
NWC-DP provides national estimates of water budget components for local watersheds, water withdrawal data for counties, tools to calculate statistics of daily streamflow records, modeled daily streamflow at ungaged stations, and access to records of aquatic biology observations. The portal is a subset of the research and information being conducted by the National Water Census.

A screenshot of the National Water Census - Data Portal’s (NWC-DP) homepage
What is the timeline?
The Portal will be decommissioned on September 1, 2020.
Where can I find the data after the application is turned off?
Continued, long term access to National Water Census - Data Portal application data will be provided via alternative data repositories such as Science Base and NWISWeb .
For additional information contact .
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