Access subsets of NHDPlus data and discover sites on the river network with the hydro Network Linked Data Index. Navigation types include upstream mainstem, upstream with tributaries, downstream mainstem and downstream with diversions. Services to provide a basin boundary, linked NWIS stream gage sites, water quality data sites, and twelve digit hydrologic unit code (HUC) watershed outlets.
Keywords: R
Convert wide water quality data wide to long with new tidyverse convention.
Brief introduction to version control, Git, and GitHub; plus, resources for learning more.
Identifying boxplot limits and styles in ggplot2.
Resources for plotting, plus short examples for using ggplot2 for common use-cases and adding USGS style.
More advanced data munging techniques in R that were not covered in the Intro to R class.
Brief introduction to the series of posts about next steps after learning basic R, plus some tips on best practices for scripting in R.